Just Jackie
Kankere, o selo mang?
Undercover Poet
Raging Jackie
Jackie in the area
Regarding Jackie

Kankere, o selo mang?

O maru a se nang tladi malebatsa

Letsele le re le antseng masi a botshelo

Le tswa lengope le le botlhole ba loso

Fela jaaka moloi, ga o mmala

O tsena ka tidimalo e e tsenelletseng

Re tshoga kgwethe mo letseleng

Tshega e fapogile metsetelo

Bosula ba gago bo setse bo ile magoletsa

O tlhasela mmele o sa kgetholle

O tsenella marapo o a je mmoko

Boidiidi ba go ata ga gago bo a boitshega

O le mmitsa-ntswa o o sa tsholang thupa

O ikala medi jaaka setlhare mo nokeng

Makala a gago a gagola le sebete tota

Botlhoko ba gago bo se na bokhutlo

Masetlapelo e le bogobe ba rona ba malatsi otlhe

O selo mang wena o sa bonweng

Fa sekhukhuni se bonwa ke sebataladi

Le baitseanape tota ba retelelwa ke pheko

Ditlhong e se sepe, o tshegisa ka tsholofelo ya rona

O nole Mme botshelo go fitlhela lerothoding la bofelo

Botshelo ba gagwe bo nyelelela re ntse re lebile

Maano re a logile ga sita a loso

Bokhutlong a raga thokolo, a neela moa

Legale mo losong Mme o bone boikhutso bo bo sa khutleng

Selo ke wena ga o kitla o ikhutsa le e seng

Sa gago ke go tlalatlala naga, o sasanka bosigo le motshegare

O tsoma motswasetlhabelo yo o latelang.

Jackie Mondi

Cancer, what the hell are you?

Your entrance causes no stir

The breast from which we suckled lifegiving milk

Grows a malignant lump that leads to death

As you make an inconspicuous entrance

You come in deep silence

While we reel in the shock of the lump

It is too late

As your evil is now widespread

You attack the body indiscriminately

Crunching the bones down to the marrow

Your boundless spread is fearsome

You do your harm unseen

You spread your roots like a tree by the river

Your branches tearing even the liver apart

Your devastation unending

Pain, our daily bread

If everything comes to light eventually

What the hell are you that you cannot be seen

Even scientists cannot find a cure

You have made a mockery of our hope

You sucked the life out of her even to the last drop

Our mother's life vanishing in front of our eyes

Our tactics to save her life stopped at death’s door

Finally she gave in and gave her last breath

Even so in death mother received eternal rest

And you damned thing will never find rest

Your lot is to roam the earth, wandering day and night

Searching for your next victim.

Jackie Mondi

In loving memory of my mother, Mme Nomsa Faith Mathabe (26 June 1946 - 04 January 2014)

Cancer may have taken her away from us but it will never erase her memory from our hearts.