Just Jackie

The Stigma is on You

Undercover Poet
Raging Jackie
Jackie in the area
Regarding Jackie

The stigma is on you


When you hear someone is sick with AIDS

This gives you a topic for gossip

To be the first one to smear

You are the scandal


When you visit someone sick with AIDS

Just to see how much weight they have lost

To substantiate your innuendos

You are a lightweight


When someone you know has AIDS

You reject them sooner than accept

When with such you do not connect

You are the discard


When you attend funerals

Just to see if the cause of death is disclosed

As you scrutinise the obituary

You are the façade


When you look at the corpse

Just to see if the effects of AIDS are apparent

As you push your way to the front

You are emaciated


When you are called upon

To embrace and aid those with AIDS

Your stance is keeping your distance

Shame on You


When on account of your scorn

Those with HIV and AIDS cannot live openly

Their pain they bear alone

The stigma is on You


Jackie Mondi